Friday, February 26, 2010

Heading Home

In a little more than an hour I'll be catching the bus to Portland where I'll meet up with my dad and he'll bring me the rest of the way home.  I just can't believe that I'm already half way through the semester!  It feels like every year goes by faster and faster.  I am excited to be going home though.  There are lots of fun things planned, most of them revolving around the wedding.

Tomorrow my mom and Patrick's mom and I will be heading out to try and find them dresses for the wedding.  Keep your fingers crossed that we find some good deals!  I'm looking forward to spending time with them both.

I'm supposed to be working part of my two week break, but I still have not received confirmation from my boss that my paperwork has gone through.  As much as I'd love to not have to work over break, I really need the money.

And next Thursday, my mom and I will be leaving for San Fransisco.  We'll be there visiting her half-brother and picking out wedding flowers.  I'm hoping we get to drink some good wine while we're there.  We're staying until Tuesday and then I should be working the rest of the second week.

Finally, the last weekend of break, Patrick will be coming down with two of his groomsmen.  They're going to get fitted for tuxes and Patrick's best man is throwing his bachelor party that night.  He didn't want to do it this early, but all the boys won't be together again until the rehearsal, so it just made sense logistically.  While the boys are out, I have scheduled a massage for myself.  I figured it's only fair that I get to have fun too!

Somewhere in between, I'm hoping the weather cooperates and that I get some good workouts in.  I have been missing my bike and I'm hoping to get a few rides in, as well as a few warmer runs.  We can all dream can't we? 

What's everyone else up to?  Any big races?  Any upcoming travel plans?

1 comment:

  1. this weekend is all about catching up on some much needed sleep. although your plans sound so much more fun.
