Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Lazy Saturday...Sort Of

Patrick and I woke up this morning and hit the gym.  Patrick's not at into exercising as I am (although you wouldn't know it by looking at him).  We decided to do some running on the track together.  He's about 6'3" tall so he could totally kick my butt if he wanted to, but he was really nice and stayed with me until that last couple of laps.  We actually got 2.5 miles of run/walking in which is great since he doesn't really run often.  After our run Patrick did some lifting and I foam rolled.  As a side note, I also learned how to foam roll my back.  Amazing!  I must steal one from the gym purchase one for home use.  Finally, we hit up the hot tub with some friends that came to the gym with us.  Unfortunately the pool was completely overrun with kids (screaming ones at that) so we didn't stay long.

Later this evening we hooked up with our friends again at Margaritas.  We all got some yummy cocktails.  I tried the pomegranate margarita.  The pomegranate juice makes it healthier, right? sure was yummy.  Although going out and having a drink is far more expensive than making your own at home, sometimes it's just nice to get out and spend some time with friends.  See look at how much fun we're having!
I was really proud that I actually remembered to bring my camera with me, but I felt bad because it was so dark in the restaurant that I had to have the flash on.  I felt bad for the people around us.  And now, after a quick run to the grocery store, we're sitting on the couch and relaxing.  He's watching basketball and I'm blogging away.  Oh, and I'm enjoying this for a snack.
Try not to be too jealous.  Hope everyone's weekend is going well!


  1. I am super jealous. Reese's PB cups are my favorite!

  2. Looks like a great Saturday! I totally love the foam roller, but I bought a high density one so now the ones at the gym feel so soft they don't do much. Hope you have a good start to the week!
